However, this plugin shines when you combine it with any vim motion. This plugin is useless for commenting just one line because the native IDE commenting feature does precisely that.
Installing vim-plug Installing vim-plug is similar to installing any other plugin. The commentary plugin emulates vim-commentary, and enables commenting code with vim motions. It provides easy commands for operations such as installing, upgrading, removing, and cleaning plugins. taskpaper files in Vim as convenient (for a Vim user) as in. Next, we’ll clone the Fugitive repository into the start/fugitive directory: $ git clone -depth=1 ~/.vim/pack/tpope/start/fugitive vim-plug stores plugins in their own directories. I like the simple text format, so Ive written a Vim syntax file and a plugin to make editing.
We can load these plugins with the :packadd command.Īs an example, let’s install the Fugitive plugin, which is a wrapper around Git.įirst, we’ll create the respective directory: $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/tpope/start/fugitive The original key enables you to hop between different sets of characters and some programming constructs.

MatchIt expands the current usefulness of the key (percent key). On TaskPaper for iOS, Link your Dropbox tasks file/folder. Put your tasks file (.taskpaper extension) on Dropbox. tasks or taskpaper file extensions or just name them TODO with no extension. Export your tasks from Things (you can use the 'Print' feature and copy/paste into Vim) Use vim-fu to format your tasks according to TaskPaper syntax. In contrast, the opt directory contains optional plugins. This Vim plugin allows us to make matches between characters, strings, words, and even regular expressions. An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text editor (version 2 and 3). foo/plugin/main.vim is loaded soon after Vim startsĪdditionally, plugins inside the start directory will load upon running Vim. Awesome Vim plugins from across the Universe Language syntax × 54 lsp × 20 coc.autoload/bar.vim is loaded when the bar command is used.foo, bar, and baz are the actual plugins.opt and start signify when the plugin can be used.vendor is the name of the package publisher Youve already forked task.pack is the top-level directory inside ~/.vim.