Anytime you saw her she had a smile on her face. She enjoyed making daily phone calls to loved ones and wouldn’t miss anything her kids or grandkids were doing if possible.
She was full of unconditional love and loved her friends and family deep. Anyone that was around her for 10 minutes immediately liked her and felt comfortable and at ease. She was a gentle, quiet, faithful soul that everyone loved. She was an active member of The Boise City Christian Church and Eta Alpha Sorority for many years. Vicki started working for the Cimarron County Election Board in 1981 and continued to work there until she retired after 30 years of service. She played an active role in the farming, cattle and Pioneer Seed business until Jerry passed away in 2007. Jerry got his way and married her in September of 1960. She graduated from Felt High School and attended Central Business School in Denver, Colorado. After the apology he ended the letter telling her he was going to marry her someday.

He stood her up on their first date and wrote a letter to apologize. She met Jerry at the XIT her Junior Year. When she was eight years old, they moved to Felt, OK where she spent the rest of her school years. She attended Liberty Elementary in a one room schoolhouse. When she was 9 months old, they moved to Eva, OK. Vicki Louise Turner was born on December 7, 1942, in Las Vegas, NV.